Official blog of Wade Brown's 2012 campaign for Congress.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wade's Agenda in Office

The following is a simplified list of my priorities.  It is not all-inclusive, nor is it arranged in a specific order of priority.  The "top priority" for my campaign will be a "moving target," depending on a variety of factors.  However, I intend to work every one of these issues in a systematic and enduring fashion.
 Many of these issues are very significant and will not be solved in the short term.  A capable Congressional staff under experienced leadership, a willingness to be bold on the part of the Representative, and a resolute sense of purpose in the people of the District will in my opinion be the necessary ingredients for success in obtaining the objectives of this agenda.  I believe I am the candidate most likely to succeed in this endeavor, and I hope the agenda I have provided below is a good indication of what you will be helping to achieve if I have your help in this campaign.  Happy reading and godspeed!  -Wade

Congressional Agenda - highlights
- Balance the budget!  -  See Wade’s pledges.
- Repeal Obamacare - This is an unconstitutional bill that was brought about through bribery and ‘soft’ extortion; it must not stand.  Specific actions to repeal Obamacare will be based on the results of the Supreme Court decision and the November 2012 elections, but it must be dismantled, blocked, or nullified.
- Establish standing orders among staff to support legislation to defend against encroachments on the 2nd Amendment.
- Establish standing orders among staff to support legislation to protect the unborn.
- Pass the Fair Tax, which includes the repeal of the 16th Amendment
- Eliminates IRS
- Eliminates “death” tax
- Eliminates violations of 4th Amendment rights
- Eliminates “loopholes” and the lobbying/corruption which attend them
- Makes the tax rate completely transparent for all people

- Ensures that untaxed populations (including illegal immigrants, black marketeers and drug dealers) contribute to the tax system.
- Similar to Texas sales tax:  If the State of Texas can run on a sales tax, why not the nation?
- Target and systematically dismantle unfunded federal mandates to the states.
- Repeal the 17th Amendment - this will help protect States’ rights, block unqualified Supreme Court nominees, and prevent Legislative consent to harmful international treaties.
- Roll back the Stimulus (Emergency Economic Stabilization Act) and other Congressional obligations
- Review and defund the Department of Education; repeal No Child Left Behind
- Review and defund harmful EPA regulations; restrict the EPA to the judgment of interstate disputes; write legislation countermanding harmful agency regulations.
- Research and support legislation leading to sound currency; including the auditing of the Federal Reserve.
- Aggressively implement Border Security (currently researching which bills, if any, to co-sponsor; in the absence of an adequate bill, I will personally author one for introduction)
- Post all considered legislation, all votes, and explanation for votes on the Congressional website so voters can see exactly where Wade stands on various bills
- Establish office hours in which any voter in the District can call and talk to Wade directly.

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